Display Chart Data

Display Chart Data

In this section:


This command is executed from a folder with schema type Charts and will display the data created in the chart folders (with schema type Chart).
The command can display data of different type, like PolygonsSoundings and Seafloor specified in the the tab part of the menu. The command can turn on and off display of data located in the project folders.


The Display Chart Data dialog


The content of the menu

The upper part of the menu contains the project name and the name of the active folder of type Charts.

The tabs contains the display methods for PolygonsSoundings (points) and Seafloor (DTM).
In addition there is a tab named Display All for displaying all data types by one click.

The standard command buttons:

The Execute button will execute the display.
The OK button will save the parameters in the menu and close the menu.
The Cancel button will close the menu without saving the parameters.

The Display All tab

  • Frame: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Frame polygon for the selected chart(s). Note that this is a direct action button.
  • Chart Name: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the name of the selected chart(s). Note that this is a direct action button.
  • Boundary: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Boundary polygon for the selected chart(s). Note that this is a direct action button.
  • Soundings: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Soundings dataset for the selected chart(s). Click the Execute button to perform the display.
  • Use same range for all means that the depth colour range should be the same for all datasets.
  • Seafloor: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Seafloor DTM for the selected chart(s). Click the Execute button to perform the display.
  • Use same range for all means that the depth colour range should be the same for all datasets.
  • Use LOD means that the visualisation technique should be level of details; i.e. effective on large DTMs.


The Polygons tab

  • Frame: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Frame polygon for the selected chart(s). Note that this is a direct action button.
  • Chart Name: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the name of the selected chart(s). Note that this is a direct action button.
  • Boundary: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Boundary polygon for the selected chart(s). Note that this is a direct action button.


The Soundings tab

  • Soundings: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Soundings dataset for the selected chart(s). Click the Execute button to perform the display.
  • Use same range for all means that the depth colour range should be the same for all datasets.


The Seafloor tab

  • Seafloor: Use this button to turn on and off the display of the Seafloor DTM for the selected chart(s). Click the Execute button to perform the display.
  • Use same range for all means that the depth colour range should be the same for all datasets.
  • Use LOD means that the visualisation technique should be level of details; i.e. effective on large DTMs.


The Charts part

Select which charts to display data from. The selected charts are individial for each tab.

The Show Chart properties button:

Show the properties for all charts in a separate window..

The Scale to selected charts button:

Select to scale the display around the selected datasets.