Export Chart data

Export Chart data

In this section:


This command is executed from a folder with schema type Charts and will export data items created and stored in the chart folders (with schema type Chart).

The command can export data of different types, like PolygonsSoundings and Seafloor, as specified in the tab part of the menu. The command can export to different format types and to user specified disk locations.

The Export Chart Data dialog

The content of the menu

The upper part of the menu contains the project name and the name of the active folder of type Charts.

The Tab part

The tabs contains the settings for the export of Polygons, Points, Surfaces and Hill Shade.


The Polygons tab:

This tab will export the selected data item(s) from the selected chart(s).

Frame: Use this button to export the Frame polygon.

Boundary: Use this button to export the Boundary polygon.

Holes: Use this button to export the Holes polygon.

Formats implemented in the menu are: VTK, Esri Shapefile Polygons, ASCII Column, VTK ASCII, Dxf ASCII

The Points tab:

This tab will export the selected data item(s) from the selected chart(s).

Soundings: Use this button to export the Soundings dataset.

Soundings_Accepted: Use this button to export the Soundings_Accepted dataset.

Soundings_Rejected: Use this button to export the Soundings_Rejected dataset.

Seafloor surface as points: Use this button to export the Seafloor (DTM) dataset and convert from a grid to xyz points.

Save in project only: Use this button to only create a pointcloud dataset Surfacepoints from the Seafloor dataset. No file will be exported when this button is toggled.


Formats implemented in the menu are: VTK, Esri Shapefile Points, ASCII Column, VTK ASCII, Dxf ASCII

The Surfaces tab:

This tab will export the Seafloor data item from the selected chart(s).

Formats implemented in the menu are: VTK, Irap Binary, Irap ASCII, VTK ASCII, GeoTiff, Bathymetry Attributed Grid (BAG). 


The Hill Shade tab:

This tab will export the Seafloor data item from the selected chart(s).
The hill shade is a image showing hill shade (relief) instead of depths.

The formats implemented in the menu is GeoTiff.

The Hill shading part:

- Altitude deg: The altitude of the illumination source is specified in degrees above horizontal.
- Azimuth deg: The direction of the illumination source, azimuth, is specified as the compass direction.
- Z Scale: Is the factor to scale the Z direction compared with x and y.
- Positiv Z-Axis downward: Set checked for depth values and unchecked for altitude values.
- User defined Color: If unchecked, greyscale is used.

The hill shaded image can be exported to a File only, to a File and project (as a HillShade object), or in Project only.

The Charts part:

Select which charts to export data from. The selected charts are individial for each tab.

The Export Format part:

Select which formats to export to. The selected format is individial for each tab.


Polygon formats: VTK, Esri Shapefile Polygons, ASCII Column, VTK ASCII, Dxf ASCII

Point formats: VTK, Esri Shapefile Points, ASCII Column, VTK ASCII, Dxf ASCII

Surface formats: VTK, Irap Binary, Irap ASCII, VTK ASCII, GeoTiff

Hill Shade format: GeoTiff

Invert Z means that the sign (direction) of the Z axis will change from depth to altitude.

Lat/Lon means that For some of the formats the coordinates can be converted to geographic instead of projected in the export.

The Output File part:

Select where to do the export. The selected location is common for all export.

Filename: Shows the name which will be generated for the files.
If file already exists: The default method is to overwrite any existing files, but it is also possible to make a copy.

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