Importing Points and Lines
Points and lines/polygons can come in different formats and can be imported as polydata. Both the Generic import and ASCII import can be used for import depending on your data.
Point cloud
To import points as a Point cloud use the ASCII Column import and set the Cell type to Point Cloud.
Point cloud datasets can be edited with the Point cloud editor which is available under Tools > Point Cloud.
The global coastline is available from the NGDC website. Download the GSHHS coastline and load into Geocap using the Generic Import.
Fault polygons are imported into Geocap using the ASCII (column) reader. It is important that each polygon makes up a cell in the created Geocap dataset. This can be achieved by setting the Cell separation to Value change and setting its column number to the polygon number column in the file.
Note that it is not necessary to read Z values for fault polygons.
Stick faults are faults that have been interpreted on seismic sections. This means that stick faults should have a reference to the SP and line name as well as X, Y and Z values. In addition to this, the stick faults often have discrete names. One specific file often contain many stick faults, and many of those can have the same fault name. In Geocap it is possible to load stick faults without relating them to seismic interpretation. Such faults can be displayed in 3D together with all other data, but it may be difficult to interact with them, for instance if one wants to change one stick faults particular geometry. Stick faults to be read in this way, are imported using the ASCII (column) reader. Use the Cell separation to separate the sticks.