acm - Color band mapping
bol - Border line
acp - Actor properties
amb - Ambient light
ann - Simple annotation
aof - Actor off
aon - Actor on
axe - Axes display
bsp - B spline visualization
c3d - Contour with 3D surfaces
cam - Camera functionality
cco - Color code legend
cln - Collect actors
clv - Calculate visualization
cnn - Contour two sides
col - Color setting
con - Contour using scalars
cur - Curve display
d2 - 2D mode graphics
d3 - 3D mode graphics
d23 - 2D and 3D mode switch
d - Delete last actor
dis - Display active dataset
dnp - Display nearest point
dra - Draw a box frame
fco - Fast line color mapping
foc - Focus setting
geo - Geographical coordinates
iso - Isometric view
lco - Line color
lig - Light handling
lod - Level of detail display
map - Map display
nav - Navigation and shot points
oco - Orthogonal contours
opa - Opacity
pab - Picable actor
poi - Point display
poll - Polygon display of cells
pol - Polygon type display
pot - Polygon with tube
rca - Run camera
rib - Ribbon display
sma - Spline map
spl - Spline generation
tma - Texture mapping
tub - Tube generation
tx2 - 2D text
txt - 3D text
wire - Wire mode
z - Clear screen
zz - Clear screen for all lists
Content Comparison