Geocap 4.3.34 Release Notes
Geocap 4.3.34 Release Notes
New features
- ConvertToSeismic3D: This new command object will convert a Cube (vtkStructuredPoints) to SeismicCube.
- cal aiv - is a syntax for checking absolute increasing values in z, scalars or field data. Used to secure increasing stacking velocities.
- Command object for area calculation of a two layer cross section. Operates on cross section data in a cross section folder.
- Use shortcut 'n' to iterate all the seismic attribute when gim surface displayed in map mode, affeced ui inl. surface movie, surface interpretation and from list.
- Surface tag system is available now. Users can tag interested surface during the surface movie and surface interactive display, the tagged surfaces can be used to: send to a new gim database; send to project manager; delete from original database and store in disk.
- Support trough-inverse in the amplitude attribute generation.
- Documentation updated i Shelf UNCLOS. (Maximizing outer limit, Digitizing new outer limit line)
- Volumetric documentation updated. Describes volume calculation for a muiltilayer reservoir. Includes volume(area) versus depth curves.
- Faster tacking.
Bux fixes
- Navigation module: Displaying shot points and Making stacking velocity cells
- Drainage area calculation was updated due to a rare occurrence of array overflow.
- ASCII export can now set up export of columns which are not present in the selected dataset. This is the case when exporting from a folder.
- Flight tour command object will now stop accurately at the last camera position.
- ASCII column reader uses less memory during import of large files.
- Velocity profiles which are used in the UNCLOS modules can now be generated from Vertical Calibrated Images (VCIs)
- SeismicCube Delete
Known issues
- Linux 64 : Fails to connect to ArcSDE
- Linux : No Oracle support.
- Closing undocked panels (e.g. Profile analysis) may cause Geocap to crash. Make sure your panels are docked before closing them.We are currently working on a solution to this.
, multiple selections available,