filt - Filter algorithms
filt — Filter data using various algorithms
filt brown | clean | deci | edge | fed | impl | rex | shr | smooth | strip | greedy | triang | tri2 | tri3 | smo
These filters transform the active dataset into a new dataset.
brown [rep] [sav]
Create random data using brownian movements. Start with a few polydata points in active.
rep repeatnumber - Repeat the generation repeatnumber times.
sav - Save all generated points.
Clean up polydata.
Decimation filter for triangulated data.
deci pro
Decimation pro filter for triangulated data.
fed ang angle
Feature angle filter. Edges used by two triangles and whose dihedral angle > angle.
Extract polydata edges.
impl nx ny nz
Create an implicit model in 3D from a few number of input points based on the distance to the points. nx ny nz are number of cells in x-, y- and z-direction.
rex angle
Rotational filter, angle is degrees of rotation.
shr factor
Make the cell shrink with a factor between 0 and 1.
Smooth filter for polydata.
Strips off polydata; i.e. makes a decimated polydata set.
The following ooptions are available:
err error_threshold_ - Threshold of error level.
tri number_of_triangles - Number of triangles in the final reduction.
red reduction_of_mesh - Specify the reduction of the mesh (represented as a fraction). Note that a value of 0.10 means a 10% reduction.
abs errabsolute_error - Specify the absolute error of the mesh; that is, the error in height between the decimated mesh and the original height field.
relerr relative_error - Specify the relative error of the mesh; that is, the error in height between the decimated mesh and the original height field normalized by the diagonal of the image.
bou on | off - Turn on/off the deletion of vertices on the boundary of a mesh. This may limit the maximum reduction that may be achieved.
The greedy filter will turn a grid (structured points) into a polydata set of triangles with varying resolutions dependent of terrain details. The greedy argument does not handle undefined values at the moment. See list for the various options.
Fast triangulation from freepoints. The result will be polydata. Used to display closed regions. Triangulates a closed input polygon.
Delaunay triangulation from freepoints in 2D. The result will be polydata.
Delaunay triangulation from freepoints in 3D. The result will be 3D unstructured data.
Will smooth input polydata like lines and triangulated surfaces.
See also
gen - Generate grid, gr3 - Grid data into 3D cube, mak cle, trg - Triangulate point data