Import Multibeam Sonar Data

Import Multibeam Sonar Data

In this section:


This command will import multibeam data to a folder of schema type Multibeam.

The Import Multibeam Sonar Data dialog.

The content of the menu

The Input Multibeam file part:

Click the open folder button to browse for the selected files. The file type filter shows available formats.

The available multibeam formats

The Import Options part:

  • If already exists decides what strategy to use if the survey line already is imported. Skip file means do not read the file, Make duplicate will import the file and make a unique name, and Replace will delete the existing survey line and make a new import.
  • Calculate soundings means that all calcuations from swath or range to soundings will be performed during import. Then the points are ready to be displayed or processed further. The values are saved in the Multibeam Sonar component.
    If the option is not checked, the import of the multibeam files will be faster. Then the calculation of soundings will automatically be performed later when, for instance, displaying the data.
  • Filter zero depth values means that points closer to the echo sounder than 0.01 meters will be filtered.