Recalculate Soundings
In this section:
This command will (re)calculate soundings in folders of schema type Multibeam Survey.
The soundings values are calculated from the Multibeam Sonar data (depth, along, across, range), Gyro, Navigation etc. to values which can be displayed, gridded or exported.
After changing some of the data components in the Multibeam Survey, for instance by the Vessel Configuration Manager, the survey line needs to be updated/recalculated.
Normally this will happen automatically when doing an operation on the data. This command will do the update to avoid to have the recalculation during another process.
The recalculated soundings are saved in the Multibeam Sonar component of the multibeam survey line.
The Recalculate Soundings dialog.
The content of the menu
The upper part of the menu contains the project name and the name of the active folder of type Multibeam.
The rest of the menus has the parts:
- The Mode part
- The Survey Line part
The Mode part
This is the specification of the method for recalculating the survey data:
- Recalculate modified survey line(s) eans that only survey lines where there has been a change will be recalculated.
- Force recalculate survey line(s) eans that all the selected survey lines will be recalculated, even if it is not modified.
The Survey Line part
Select which survey line(s) which multibeam survey lines to recalculate.