Export Multibeam Data

Export Multibeam Data

In this section:


This command is executed from a folder with schema type Multibeam and will export data items created and stored in the multibeam survey line folders (with schema type Multibeam Survey).  The command can export Points (soundings) and the Navigation item as specified in the tab part of the menu. The command can export to different format types and to user specified disk locations. 


The Export Multibeam Data dialog for points.


The content of the menu

The Tab part: 

Select which survey item to export from. Click one of the tabs named Export Points or Export Navigation. The default will be the points tab.


The Survey Line part: 

Select which survey lines to export from. The selected lines are individial for each tab.

The Export Format part: 
Select which formats to export to. The selected format is individial for each tab. 

Point formats: VTK, Esri Shapefile Points, ASCII Column, VTK ASCII, Dxf ASCII.

Navigation formats: VTK, Esri Shapefile Polyline, ASCII Column, VTK ASCII, Dxf ASCII.

When the ASCII Column format is selected, the button Ascii export settings can be clicked to open the dialog for specifying the details for the output.

Checking the Invert Z box means that the depth values are converted to negative values (altitude) in the output. This option is not available for Navigation files.

Checking the Lat/Lon box will convert coordinates from projected coordinates to geographic coordinates. Will not be valid for all export formats. To export geographic coordinates for the ASCII Column format, click the Ascii export settings button and set Latitude and Longitude in the columns.

The Output File part: 

Directory: Select the folder where to do the export. The selected location is common for all exported files. 
File name: Shows the name which will be generated for the files. A prefix can be added in the input field. An underscore ("_") character will automatically be inserted. 
If file already exists: The default method is to overwrite any existing files, but it is also possible to make a copy. 


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