gsu - Grid surface points
gsu — Grid surface points
gsu [inc] | [nx ny] [trend trendgrid] [ref referencegrid]
General gridding command from input points using a minimum curvature algorithm into a grid surface. The gridding can also try to follow a trend grid that is placed in workspace. The algorithm has good extrapolation qualities as shown in the example.
No arguments.
The grid will have the same number of rows and columns as the last grid that set the @nrow @ncol variables.
inc xinc yinc
Create grid model grid with increments xinc and yinc .
nx ny
Create a grid with nx times ny grid cells.
trend trendgrid
Apply a trend grid in workspace trendgrid for the gridding process.
ref referencegrid
Apply a reference grid in workspace referencegrid for grid layout. Dimension of the grid is taken from the referencegrid.
Ex.1: Grid surface interpolating points
# Surface model gridding z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white mak ran 11 ;# Make 11 random points poi 2 ;# Display point with size width 2 gsu 222 222 ;# Make grid of dimension 222 x 222 map ;# Map the grid
The above example produces this image.
Grid surface example
See also
gen - Generate grid, grp - Grid points and lines, fmo - Fast modelling, trg - Triangulate point data