trg - Triangulate point data
trg — Triangulate point data
trg [rlf | inl | fau | remeq]
Creates a triangle mesh from input points. The triangulation is of Delaunay type which tries to optimize the triangle with respect to equal sides.
No argument. Triangulate the input data. Only the points are honoured.
Convert a seismic inline to a triangulated seismic section.
rlf x | y | z sca scalefactor
Turn the scalar values into x | y | z coordinates as a relief using scalefactor to control the expansion.
fau faultlines
Make triangulated polydata in workspace faultlines within the fault polygon if the points are ordered counterclockwise. Otherwise it will be outside the fault polygon.
Remove triangles of equal z values. Thus the triangulation will only go between lines of unequal height.
Ex.1: Triangulation towards faults
# Gridding of welldata and closed stick faults xwi sel ;# select and raise current window if hidden wmp name {Geocap Closed Stick Faults} ; # window name set datapath [file join $Geocap::geocapdir data] vie def ini ;# viewport default and initiate rea $datapath/csf_wells.vtk ;# read well data ssc ;# self scale poi ;# display points col whi ;# white colour poi val ;# display point values mhi csf_wells ;# save in high rea $datapath/csf_faults.vtk ;# read faults col red ;# red colour pol ;# polygon display mhi csf_fau ;# save in high d2 ;# 2d mode dra win ;# draw windows frame sta Welldata and closed stick faults ;# stack text col gre ;# select green colour tx2 lle ;# 2d text tx2 ule txt {Gridding is in progress ..... Wait} mlo csf_wells ;# move down well data grp 88 88 trg csf csf_fau ;# grid welldata, triangulate closed stick faults d3 ;# 3d mode upd d ;# downwards view z ;# erase screen scaz 4 ;# scale_in_z, turn off by: scaz off ssc ;# self scale acm n 12 nor sma ;# colour map mhi trgdata ;# save in high the result model data mlo closedGenFaults ;# move down closed stick faults with values col red ;# red colour pot .5 ;# tube with size mlo csf_wells ;# move low well data col mag ;# magenta poi ;# display points cco ;# colour code tx2 lle sha col whi txt {Generated horizon model} ;# 2d text mlo trgdata ;# move low the result
The above example produces this image.
Triangulated grid model to model fault traces