M. Import Sensor data
M. Import Sensor data
Seafloor can import and replace the sensor data of the selected multibeam survey lines from ASCII formats.
Sensor types which can be import replaced:
- Navigation
- Tide
- Velocity
- Heave
- Roll
- Pitch
Check available ASCII formats
- Right click the Multibeam folder under 1. Survey Data and select Import ASCII Sensor...
- Click the ? icon and open the help menu.
- Check the available Sensor type.
- Click OK.
Before we can load the ASCII sensor data we need to have a project with multibeam data.
Create new project
- In the main menu of Geocap, click Seafloor > Seafloor Main Menu.
- In the Seafloor Main Menu click File > New > Project. A new dialog will pop up.
- Select the Seafloor project template.
- Type the project name EM2040_WGS84_UTM_60S into the Name field.
- Click the Browse button, and select where you want to store your project on your hard disk.
- Click Finish.
- You are now be prompted with a window asking you if you want to define the geodetic setting of the project.
- Click Yes.
- Check the Use geodetic settings for project box and select WGS84 as datum and UTM Zone 60 S as coordinate system.
- Click OK.
Load multibeam sensor data
- Click the Multibeam Sonar tab in the Seafloor Main Menu.
- Click Import Multibeam Sonar Data.
- Click the browse icon and browse to the folder ...\Seafloor_Course\Multibeam Sensor Data\EM_2040\South_seas_wreck_closeup.
- Select all 13 files and click Open.
- Keep the Import Options as is.
- Click Execute and the import will start.
- After import a dialog will pop up, with information about the import. This report will also be available in the folder 1. Survey Data / Multibeam /Reports.
- Display the multibeam survey lines by the command Display Multibeam Data.
Import Tide file
Import Tide file
- Right click the Multibeam folder under 1. Survey Data and select Import ASCII Sensor...
- Click the browse icon and browse for the file predictedtide.tide in the folder ...\Seafloor_Course\Multibeam Sensor Data\EM_2040\tide.
- Make sure that Tide is selected in under Sensor type. Let the option Reverse sign be un-checked.
- Select all the Survey lines.
- Click Execute.
- Re-display by the command Display Multibeam Data. Do you see any differences?
- Import the tide file predictedtide.tide once more on all the files. This time set the option Reverse sign checked.
- Re-display by the command Display Multibeam Data. Do you see any differences?
Import Navigation file
Import Navigation file
- Right click the Multibeam folder under 1. Survey Data and select Import ASCII Sensor...
- Click the browse icon and browse for the navigation file merged_navigation_south_seas_wreck_closeup.txt in the folder ...\Seafloor_Course\Multibeam Sensor Data\EM_2040\navigation.
- Make sure that Navigation is selected in under Sensor type.
- Select all the Survey lines.
- Click Execute.
- Re-display by the command Display Multibeam Data. Do you see any differences?
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