Reference Manual
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acm - Color band mapping
acp - Actor properties
add - Add to dataset
agr - Adjust grid
amb - Ambient light
ann - Simple annotation
aof - Actor off
aon - Actor on
asc - Actor scale
axe - Axes display
bck - Backward in digitizing
bmc - Border model edge clipping
bmo - Border model grid
bol - Border line
bsp - B spline visualization
c3d - Contour with 3D surfaces
cal - Calculation algorithms
cam - Camera functionality
cap - Cap on head
cco - Color code legend
cdi - Calculate distance
cha - Change values
clip - Clip dataset
cll - Close line
cln - Collect actors
clp - Clip with closed line
clv - Calculate visualization
cnn - Contour two sides
col - Color setting
con - Contour using scalars
cop - Copy part of a dataset
csc - Camera scale
ctp - Cut data with a plane
cur - Curve display
cut - Cut grid data
d2 - 2D mode graphics
d3 - 3D mode graphics
d23 - 2D and 3D mode switch
d - Delete last actor
del - Delete points and cells
dgw - Display graphical window
dhi - Delete workspace
dis - Display active dataset
div - Divide operation
dnp - Display nearest point
dra - Draw a box frame
dsc - Data scale
dsw - Distance weighted grid
ead - Extended add of two grids
edi - Edit cursor values
elc - Eliminate and clip
eli - Eliminate points
ewi - Expand window
fco - Fast line color mapping
filt - Filter algorithms
fix - Fix values
fmo - Fast modelling
foc - Focus setting
fsc - Fill scale
function - Manipulate data with mathematical expression
gen - Generate grid
geo - Geographical coordinates
gr3 - Grid data into 3D cube
grp - Grid points and lines
gse - Grid selection of a sub grid
gsm - Grid slices manipulation
gsu - Grid surface points
hei - Height evaluation
igg - Interpolated grid to grid
igr - Insert grid
ima - Image handling
iso - Isometric view
lco - Line color
lgo - Logical operation for grids
lig - Light handling
lin - Line create and draw
lix - Linear extrusion
lod - Level of detail display
lok - Lookup operation
lst - List information
mak - Make datasets
map - Map display
mhi - Move data to workspace
mlo - Move from workspace to active
mov - Move points
mul - Multiply operation
nav - Navigation and shot points
nca - Next cursor append data
ncu - Next cursor operation
oco - Orthogonal contours
opa - Opacity
osc - Ortogonal scale
pab - Picable actor
pla - Plane generation
poi - Point display
pol - Polygon type display
poll - Polygon display of cells
pot - Polygon with tube
pro - Probing in cube
psc - PostScript plotting
qra - Quick random draw
rca - Run camera
rcd - Read from cursor
rea - Read data from disk
ref - Reference point
rep - Replace
restart - Restart
ret - Return window
rib - Ribbon display
rot - Rotate a dataset
sac - Scale actors
sav - Save window
sca - Scale data
scaz - Scale view for z
selg - Select grid
ski - Skirt generation
sma - Spline map
son - Sonar data gridding
spe - Specify parameters
spl - Spline generation
ssc - Self scale of data
sta - Stack text
sto - Store data
sub - Subtract operation
swc - Switch cube
swi - Switch coordinates
ter - List points on terminal
tma - Texture mapping
tps - Thin plate spline gridding
tra - Translation of data
trg - Triangulate point data
tub - Tube generation
tx2 - 2D text
txt - 3D text
typ - Type message
und - Undefined change
upd - Up down z direction
val - Value setting
vie - Viewport handling
vol - Volume calculation
win - Window specification
wire - Wire mode
wmp - Window manipulation
wtx - Write text
xwi - Window on screen
z - Clear screen
zap - Zap (or snap) to data
zon - Zones and horizons
zoom - Zoom on screen
zz - Clear screen for all lists
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Reference Manual
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{"serverDuration": 22, "requestCorrelationId": "39fa14cc41f144629a2d0e01a2db0cee"}