mak - Make datasets
mak — Make data sets
The mak command translates data of one form into another form. This command has options for transformation or manipulation of data sets to meet the needs for advanced scripting.
Command contents
Make bands between vertical pillars - mak bandsca
Make data from cells - mak cel
Make cell scalars - mak ces
Make cell from equal z coordinate - mak czc
Make circle - mak cir
Clean up polydata - mak cle
Make compass rose in graphical window - mak com
Make closed polygon type data sets - mak cpl
Make a new copy of active data set - mak csd
Make accumulated distances - mak dis
Make field data - mak fd
Make free data - mak fre
Make grid from polygrid - mak g
Reverse the sequence in the data set - mak gcrev
Get largest cell in polydata - mak glc
Get point value from data - mak gpv
Make xy histogram from active data - mak his
Insert cells by distance test - mak ins
Make local origo actions - mak lco
Make a polydata set of line normals - mak lno
Transform the data set into a single line of points - mak lin
Make line projection - mak lip
Mirror the data - mak mir
Make normals - mak nor
Make new scalar cell values - mak nsc
Make new celltype - mak nce
Make polydata from structured point grid - mak p
Make polygon from cells - mak pfc
Transform a data set into a point data set - mak poi
Make polygon cells - mak pol
Make profile - mak pro
Make the point set to scalar data - mak psc
Make random points - mak ran
Make random scalars on polydata - mak ras
Remove points and cells - mak rem
Remove lines of three points and equal z - mak remeq
Remove undefined - mak reu
Reverse the data set - mak rev
Make rods - mak rod
Replace scalar data - mak rsc
Reverse cell ordering or normals direction - mak rve
Make scalar data from z values - mak sca
Make sequence numbers in data set - mak seq
Make shaded areas - mak sha
Make sorted and connected polyline - mak sortpl
Make scalar data to points - mak spo
Make structured points to polydata triangles - mak spts
Make a single point - mak spt
Set value for point - mak spv
Make triangle strips - mak strips
Make tangent map in the scalar values - mak tan
Make texture coordinates - mak tex
Make triangles between active data and data in workspace - mak tri
Make triangle strips between active data and data in workspace - mak tris
Transfer a 3d cube of structured points into an unstructured grid - mak uns
Make vectors to the cell data - mak vec
Make vector array to point array - mak vpo
Make a 3d grid from all layers - mak 3dg
Make bands between vertical pillars
mak bandsca [trg]
Make bands between vertical pillars and with preserving of scalars. Can be used to model stacking velocities, EMG data, fault pillars.
The vertical pillars are connected into triangle strips between the points in the pillars. It requires that the vertical pillars are correctly sorted in sequence.
The trg argument means to use Delauney triangulation on all pillars which then can be sorted in any order.
Make data from cells
mak cel number | dis | rep | sel frequency | add value first | last | gen number | [outline] | sim | cur
mak cel
Make cell number into active data. Counting of cells and points starts from 0.
dis length [3d [only] ] [acc]
Start a new cell whenever the distance between points are greater than length. Distance calculation is by default done in the xy plane.
The 3d argument means calculating distance also for the z coordinate. 3d only will only use the z coordinates in distance calculation.
The acc argument means use the accumulated distance between points. A new cell will be generated when the accumulated distance is greater than length.
Legacy: Versions up until 8.0.4 had optional argument norem. The norem argument prevented the removal of single points in single cells. These points are now always preserved; making this argument redundant.
Tip: Single points may be removed by mak rem poi 1 . If the purpose is to remove all line connections, ending up with single points the command mak poi should be considered.
dis two
Start a new cell whenever the distance between points are greater than the first two points.
Select cells by repeated digitizing by p in the active graphic window. Terminate by keyboard u.
sel frequency [start start_position]
Select cells according to the selection frequency.
add value first | last
Add a point to the first or last point of the cells. x y and scalar are from the first or last point, while z gets the value.
gen number
Generate points at number number from every cell. Useful for stacking velocity data getting points at a specific number.
gen outline
Generate outline points for all cells. For stacking velocity data the top points are selected first, the the bottom points.
The first and last point in all cells all generated to a new data set.
The cell nearest to the cursor is selected to a new data set.
Make cell scalars
mak ces
Make cell scalars. Will create cell scalars for the cells. Mapping using cell scalars will shift colors for cells and not the points as with point scalars.
Make cell from equal z coordinate
mak czc
To create cells in a polydata set where there are no or few cells, but where the z values of the points are of equal values until it shifts to another value. The polydata will be split into cells where the z value shifts. Example: To be used for a saved contour data set all in one cell that has to be splitted into cells.
Make circle
mak cir radius [pos x y z | cur] [start start_value] [stop stop_value] [inc increment] [nclo]
mak cir
radius of circle, always first number after mak cir.
pos x y z
Position of origo.
Use cursor position.
start start_value
start_value in degrees on circle, default 0, must be an integer.
stop stop_value
stop_value in degrees on circle, default 360, must be an integer.
inc increment
increment value in degree, default 1, must be an integer.
Not close, default is to close sectors.
Clean up polydata
mak cle
Clean up polydata by removing unregistered or double registered points.
Make compass rose in graphical window
mak com [off]
Makes a compass rose in upper right corner of the screen. Will follow the movements of the the camera and show correct north direction. Next mak com turns it off or one can use the off argument.
Make closed polygon type data sets
mak clo | cpl | cpr
Make closed polygon cells.
Make closed polyline. Will sort and close gaps of a set of line pieces and connect the first and last point.
Make closed polygon regions.
Make accumulated distances
Accumulated distances for xyz are calculated and placed in the scalar part. If start and stop values are used,the scalars will have zero outside these values.
Make a new copy of active data set
Make a new copy of active data set and remove all references to any other data set in workspace.
Make field data
Make field data field_dataname of numeric type into scalar values, or remove if argument rem.
Make field data from scalar values into field_dataname.
Remove field data with name field_dataname.
mak fd ren old_name new_name
Rename field data from old_name to new_name.
Make free data
x | y
Make polydata lines in x or y direction.
Make one polydata line for the gridline number.
sel number
Select every number grid line.
mak fre x ran number
Select grid lines where the selection is random generated between 1 and number.
Make grid from polygrid
Make structured points grid within grid window from polysampled grid; i.e. the opposite of mak p. Sometimes it is necessary to enter rows and columns in the grid (i.e number of elements in the rows and columns) when these values may have been lost due to influence by similar values in a another grid or cube.
Reverse the sequence in the data set
Reverse the sequence of points in the data set.
Get largest cell in poly data
Get largest cell element in polydata.
Get point value from data
Get point value from point number number. The values will be put in Geocap variables @xval @yval @zval.
Make xy histogram from active data
mak his
Apply number of histogram divisions. (Default is 30). Gives the distribution of point counting into histogram cells.
If you want a three dimensional histogram, apply the linear extrusion command:
lix 11 (or -11 if you want it the other way) and display.
x | y | z | s
XY-oriented histogram counting the indicated variable.
fac factor
Width factor of the bars.
Gives the cumulative distribution of point counting.
To get the mean values in the histogram per bar.
To adjust the histogram to normalized (area==1).
Insert cells by distance test
Default : only the distances between points are tested and a cell is inserted when points have greater separation than distance.
acc will insert a new cell when the sum of distances of the points is greater than distance.
Make local origo actions
Set local origo to min values for active data.
Check local origo for active data. Result in [gvar locori].
Remove local origo off for active data and update data instead.
Save local origo and turn off for active data.
Return and set local origo values for active data.
x y z
Set local origo for active data to x y z.
Mirror the data
Mirror the data according to (for x) : x = xmax + xmin - x
Make normals
Make normals and add the array of normals to the data set. Used in many algorithms and will also influence the display
Make new scalar cell values
add | sub | mul | div | fix value
Make new scalar cell values from the operation add | sub | mul | div | fix value.
sin | cos | tan | atan | exp | log | abs | pow | sqr | min | max
Make new scalar cell values using active cell values as input.
Make new celltype
Make new celltype by converting present to celltype. Example: mak nce 4 ;# convertes to poly lines.
Make a polydata set of line normals
Make a polydata set of lines of normals at the points multiplied with the lengthfactor.
sel selection
Make a selection with frequency selection of the line normals.
Transform the data set into a single line of points
dgp [distance] [max maxnpoints]
Transform the data set into a line preserving extreme points
distance = minimum distance between points (default value for distance = 0; larger number results in fewer points).
max maxnpoints = maximum number of points in result will not be larger than maxnpoints.
dis distance [all | olt | exact | 2d | 3d | 2dx | 2dy | 2dz]
Transform the data set into a line with distance distance between points.
all = Keep all points, new and original.
olt = only distances lower than distance between points.
exact means to calculate the same distance between points with an absolutely exact algorithm.
2d | 3d | 2dx | 2dy | 2dz are options when calculating the distance. Default is 3d which means the distance calculation is using x,y,z values.
dis distance repo
Remove points that are closer than distance to the next point.
pnr number [cnt]
Make the active line into a new line with approximately number number of points. The present line should have only one line cell.
The [cnt] option means connect and will connect new points to existing ones if possible.
Make line segments out of the cell structure.
spnr number
Make number evenly spaced points in the line. E.g. to be used in a camera path.
fpnr number
Make exactly the same number of points in all cells the line.
sel selection
Make a selection with frequency selection of the line normals.
grid grid_in_workspace
Make a new line with points where the line in active are crossing the grid lines of grid_in_workspace.
Make line projection
Make line projection; e.g. stretch a cross section or curved line to a complete plane in z (default), x or y.
Make polydata from structured point grid
Make polydata from structured point grid. The resampling will take place according to display level unless nochk.
Make polygon from cells
Make polygon line type from closed polygon cells.
Transform a data set into a point data set
sel number
Select every number of point
sic [start after_value sva]
Select inside cells. Start selection after_value. Use scalar values [sva] after_value.
Make polygon cells
Make polygon line type from cells.
Make profile
Make profile against data in workspace workspacename
ssf width [nco]
Make single stick fault lines into closed stick fault [not connect first and last point in cell].
width is the width of the stickfault.
Make the point set to scalar data
Transfer the point set to scalar data.
Make random points
Make number random points within the window frame.
z zmin zmax
Random points, z values between zmin and zmax.
zap [noi min max]
Random points, z values are zapped from surface grid in active.
[Add noise between min (e.g. -10) and max (e.g. 10) to the generated points].
Create only points, no cell structure.
Make random scalars on polydata
Make random scalars on polydata [in the cells].
Remove points and cells
rem [lt | gt] value
Remove cells with length lower or greater than the length value.
rem [lt | gt] value poi
Remove cells having less or more points than value.
Remove cells by cell type
rem typ celltype
Remove cells of type less than celltype, default 3 if omitted. Line cells have cell type 4. Vertices (single points) have cell type 1. mak rem typ 3 will remove single points isolated in cell type vertex
Remove lines of three points and equal z
Will remove line cells consisting of three points that have equal z values that may represent an unwanted line connection.
Remove undefined
Remove points flagged as undefined in polydata. Clean up data set after delete operation.
Reverse the data set
Reverse the ordering of points in the data set [or cell number cellnr].
Make rods
Make rods; i.e. line of point to point connections between point in active and same number of points in workspace workspacename.
Replace scalar data
Replace scalar data with scalars from workspace workspacename. The data set in active is usually polydata while workspacename can be polydata or grid as long as the scalar part is equivalent to the that in active.
Reverse cell ordering or normals direction
Reverse cell ordering or normals direction to get a different light setting.
Make scalar data from z values
Make scalar data from z values.
The arguments sta start step will start create scalar values from a start value and increase by a step value.
Make sequence numbers in data set
Make sequence numbers in data set in the x (default) column or in y or z columns. Optionally apply a start and stop entry.
If the sequence is to be placed in the scalars, do: swi xysz ; mak seq z ; swi xysz
Make shaded areas
Make shaded and closed polygon cells.
Make sorted and connected polyline
Make sorted and connected line (polyline). Will sort and close gaps [within a tolerance]. tolerance is a number. Duplicate points are removed.
The tolerance option works in xy space unless 3d is given. Use this for complete xyz tolerance test.
Make scalar data to points
Make scalar data to z values points.
Make structured points to polydata triangles
Make structured points to polydata triangles/triangle-strips [and resample into nx ny]
Make a single point
Make a single point from point number number in a data set. Points are counted from 0.
Set value for point
Set point x | y | z | s value for point number number to value.
Make triangle strips
Make triangle strips from triangles.
Make tangent map in the scalar values
Make tangent map in the scalar values. If the input is a standard grid, the result is polydata. Mapping the data will show the steepness of the terrain in degrees.
Make texture coordinates
Make texture coordinates for sphere or cylinder or active grid or grid in workspacename.
Make triangles between active data and data in workspace
Make triangles between active data and data in workspacename.
Make triangle strips between active data and data in workspace
Make triangle strips between active data and data in workspacename. If the argument sca is used the scalars of the connecting points will be kept. The requirement in that case is however that the two datasets have exact equal number of points.
Transfere a 3d cube of structured points into an unstructured grid
Transfere a 3d cube of structured points into an unstructured grid. This grid will follow the topology of the reservoir.
Make vectors to the cell data
Make vectors to the cell data. The vectors are a three component attribute comparable to scalar that are associated with the cell data.
Make vector array to point array
Make vector array to point array.
Make a 3d grid from all layers
Make a 3d grid from all layers associated with active layer file.
Make extra border around a grid
Make extra border around a grid. all includes all cells in the border.
Ex.1: Stair maps
# read any grid
vie def ;# reset viewport
ret 10 ;# return start window
spe bgc whi ;# specify background color to white
mak ran 12 ;# make random points
grp 20 20 ;# make grid
mak uns ;# make unstructured grid
map cel ;# display map as cells
col bla ;# colour black
poll liw 2 ;# display cell lines
The above example produces this image.
Grid displayed as stairs
Ex.1: Surface normals
# read any grid
vie def ;# reset viewport
ret 10 ;# return start window
spe bgc whi ;# specify background color to white
mak ran 6 ;# make random points
grp 70 70 ;# make grid
map ;# display map
mak lno 3 sel 4 ;# make line normals
pot ;# draw tube
spe mar sphere ;# sphere marker
col red ;# red color
poi .6 sel 2 ;# display points
spe mar cube ;# cube marker
The above example produces this image.
Grid and surface normals
Ex.1: Mapping stacking velocity
# read any grid
# Will make band using triangulation of the stacking velocity line
vie def ini ;# Reset viewport
vie 1 1 1 ;# Get first overall viewport
spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white
mlo velocity ;# Move lo stacking velocity
ssc ;# Scale data
osc y ;# View from y
mak bandsca ;# Make bands using scalars
map rng 1432 4826 ;# Map with range
spe liw 2 ;# Line width 2 for contouring
con s 1500 500 5000 ;# Contour the scalars (velocity)
spe liw 1 ;# Line width 2
vie coor 0 0 .5 .5 ;# Set up a viewport
osc y ;# View from y
map opa .8 rng 1432 4826 ;# Map with opacity and range
mlo velocity ;# Move lo stacking velocity
col bla ;# Black color
pol 3 ;# Draw the vertical lines
zoom 7 ;# Zoom into detail
The above example produces this image.
Making band of staking velocity with details of input lines
Ex.1: Making bands between low trace and high trace
# read any grid
win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white
# Fault traces are interpreted on beforhand
rea low_fault_trace ;# Read low_fault_trace
mhi low_fault_trace ;# Save in workspace
pol 2 ;# Draw fault trace
poi ;# Display fault trace points
rea high_fault_trace ;# Read high_fault_trace
pol 2 ;# Draw fault trace
poi ;# Display fault trace points
mak tris low_fault_trace ;# Make bands using scalars
map ;# Map
spe liw 2 ;# Line width 2 for contouring
con i 100 ;# Contour the scalars (velocity)
spe liw 1 ;# Line width 2
The above example produces this image.
Mapping and contouring triangle bands between low and high fault trace
See also
filt - Filter algorithms , cal - Calculation algorithms , gen - Generate grid , cll - Close line , poll las